Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Good Life

My horoscope for september said this will be the best month of the year for me. This would be great except for the fact that there are 3 more months after it for everything to go downhill but I'm generally an optimist so I will ignore that fact.

I have a job. I have a boy. I have great friends. I have a cold six pack of PBR in the fridge. There are only two more weeks of school. I am going to be 22. I am going to New Orleans with Willi.

October seems to hold some promise as well. I am going to be in Baltimore, Philly and New York City all in a one weekend period for Halloween and will be seeing Justice on Halloween in NYC.

I don't know how it happened, but I'm glad it did. This summer was one hell of a shit show but somehow the pieces are falling together.

Friday, August 14, 2009

I'm not a weatherman or anything but....

I'm pretty sure it's raining bitches

Say goodbye to a 4 year long dry spell

Song of the Night

Where are your friends tonight?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

This Weekend Might Kill Me

in the best possible way

Tonight - Snug Harbor
Friday - Zombie Party
Saturday - David's Birthday Party
Sunday - Wayside Moon Landing (Field Party/Show)
Monday - Andrew is visiting

Jesus Christ

Too Many People are Leaving - Part One

Over the next few weeks, a lot of people I know are leaving this city.  I can't say I blame them. But it would be nice if everyone could just wait until I graduate to move out. 
First one to go is Sean.  We had a pretty good night at Petra's and (god help us) Scorpio's. Nothing says goodbye like a shirtless DJ playing house music and homo thugs. 

Unfortunately, no pictures have surfaced from Scorpio's.

Am I Really All the Things That Are Outside of Me?

I'm starting this up again.  Shit's been weird and too much pabst makes it hard to remember sometimes.  Here we go.